# 2022亚米开学季 # Japanese KAO Kao LIESE PRETTIA Foam Hair Dye #New York Gray Brown 21. I do not recommend it! ! ! In fact, when I was studying in Japan, I had already tried various brands of hair dyes, but none of them worked very well. It doesn't hurt the hair, but the black hair is dyed straight, no matter what color is written on the box, it will be brown, but the degree of brown is different. This one also says black hair is dyed straight, I see that the comment area is either unchanged or dark brown. I bleached my hair 2 times to get the color. To be precise, it was bleached to 7 degrees for the first time, then dyed orange, washed with yellow shampoo several times after falling into yellow, and then bleached for 10 minutes and dropped to 8 degrees. But I bleached it.... Then I spent it after applying this hair dye... Absolutely, the one that has been successfully bleached twice is grandma gray? ? ? The unsuccessful one was dull blue... My mother is so ugly, I quickly dyed my whole head with a spare black hair dye after a day to save it.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 日本KAO花王 LIESE PRETTIA 泡沫染发剂 #纽约灰棕21.我不推荐啊!!!其实我在日本留学那会儿已经把各种牌子的染发膏都试了,感觉都不太好用。不伤发,但是黑发直染,无论盒子上写着什么颜色,搞出来都是棕色,只是棕色的程度不同而已。这款也是写着黑发直染,我看评论区搞出来的要么是没变化,要么是深棕色。 为了能上色,我把头发漂了2次。准确说是第一次漂到7度,然后染了橙色,掉成黄色后用去黄洗发膏洗几次,再漂了10分掉到8度。不过我漂花了....然后上了这个染发膏后也花了...绝了,漂2次成功的那种出来是奶奶灰???没成功的是闷青色...我的妈太丑了,隔了一天我赶紧用备用的染黑染发膏染了全头拯救。