# 2022亚米开学季 # Japanese GYU-KAKU Beef Horn Charcoal Grilled Soy Sauce 200g. 22. The ordinary black one is similar to the barbecue ordered in the store, but not sweet enough. This one has more charcoal flavor, but the roasted meat after marinating is not obvious, just taste it directly with a little more layering. This one is blacklisted along with the yellow style and will not be repurchasing.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 日本GYU-KAKU牛角 炭火烧风酱油烤肉酱 200g。22.跟它家普通黑色那款就跟店里点的烤肉接近,但是不够甜。这款多了炭烧味,但是腌肉之后烤出来的又淡淡的不明显,只是直接尝这多了一点点点层次感。这款和黄色的款式一起打入黑名单,不会回购。