# 2022亚米开学季 # This strawberry milk fudge is made of milk from Hokkaido. It has a very smooth taste and a long aftertaste. It is infinitely delicious when paired with pink, sour and sweet strawberries. Fresh strawberries mixed with fragrant milk, the smooth taste brings a fruity aroma, the sweet and sour taste lingers on the tip of the tongue, the lips and teeth are fragrant, every bite is sweet and silky, and it is only slightly sweet! Packed in sachets, there are 10 individually packaged strawberry milk fudges in a pack. Once you open the pack, you can't stop eating it, and you can eat it all in one pack! There are also pure milk-flavored toffee in the same series. The milk produced in Hokkaido is notoriously fragrant. Next time, try buying pure milk-flavored toffee!
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 這款草莓牛奶軟糖,精選產值自北海道的牛乳,口感非常潤滑,回味悠長,搭配粉嫩酸甜的草莓,就是無窮的美味吧。清新草莓混合香濃牛奶,幼滑的口感中帶來絲絲果香,酸酸甜甜的味道在舌尖縈繞,唇齒留香,每一口都是都香甜丝滑,而且只是微甜的口感喔! 小袋的包裝,一包裡面有10顆獨立包裝的草莓牛奶軟糖,就是一開了包裝就吃得停不下來,直接一包全吃完了!同系列的還有純牛奶口味的奶糖,北海道產的牛奶是出了名的香濃,下次就買純牛奶口味的奶糖試試可好!