# 2022亚米开学季 # Stocking up on snacks is a must during the school season. The portion of this crockpot is very large. There are 10 small bags in a big bag. Each time you eat one bag, you can relieve your cravings. The amount is just right, and it is convenient to take with you to school. The taste is quite satisfactory, it is very crisp and not spicy, the crab roe is not strong, and the salty and fragrant taste is not bad. The price is very affordable, it belongs to the cheap big bowl type.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 开学季必少不了囤零嘴。这锅巴份量超足,一大袋里有10小袋,每次吃一袋解解嘴馋,量刚刚好,上学带着也方便。味道中规中矩吧,很脆不辣,蟹黄味不浓,咸香口还不错吧。价钱很实惠,属于便宜大碗型。