# 挑战$100过一周 # Challenge $15 Yami a day. Today's topic is hair care. I also like to dye and perm my hair all the year round. But I can proudly say that my hair quality is quite good. It's not that my hair is naturally good. It's that I really pay attention to maintaining my hair later. Let’s briefly talk about my daily shampooing process. The shampoo and conditioner I choose is Japan’s Tsubaki. I basically buy the red and golden versions. The red is mainly for disheveled hair. The golden version is mainly For hair dyeing and perming damage. Which one do I have in stock and which one should I buy? After using the conditioner, I will continue to use the hair mask. The hair mask is also Fino from Japan. It ranks first in the Cosme Awards. It can be said to be the savior of damaged hair. I use it every day. Very enough. This way a bottle will be used up in less than 10 days. I would recommend using a hair mask after evenly applying it to the hair. Wrap it in a hot towel. Then take a shower/bath for 10-20 minutes. Finally, rinse it off. The effect is like baking oil in the barber shop. The hair is soft. By the way. Let’s talk about the comb. I really like this The BRASHU DR SCALP massage comb. It can be said that after I used it to comb my hair. Other combs can’t be combed. The comb is a high-gloss paint. Craft. It is very textured in the hand. The most important thing is that it is really comfortable to comb. There are also hair care effects and anti-dandruff. It is recommended to comb before shampooing. During shampooing, use this comb instead of hands to carry out Massage. Especially when using conditioner. Massage with a comb. Let its hair care get the best effect. It takes a lot of time. But the hair quality is absolutely satisfactory. Shampoo 17 can be used for about a month. 17➗30=0.6 Conditioner 17➗30=0.6 Hair mask 10 The amount of hair mask is more. Calculated by one week➗7=1.43 Comb 100 I have been using the comb for N months. It feels expensive at $1 a day. Hahaha. Total: 3.63!
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 挑战$15亚米的一天. 今天的主题是护发. 我也是常年喜欢染发烫发的.可是我可以蛮自豪的说我的发质还是挺不错的.这并不是天生发质好.而是后期是真的很注重保养头发. 先简单的说说我每天洗发过程吧.洗发水护发素选的是日本的Tsubaki丝蓓绮.我基本买的都是红色和金黄色版本.红色主攻秀发蓬乱毛躁.金黄色款主要针对秀发染烫受损.我是哪款有货买哪款. 用完护发素.我会继续用发膜.发膜也是来自日本的Fino.是Cosme大赏排名第一.可以说是受损发质的救星.我是每天都会用的.我的用量算很足.这样一瓶不超过10天就用完了.我会建议用发膜均匀涂抹在发丝上后.在用热毛巾包裹起来.然后洗澡/泡澡10-20分.最后在冲洗掉.出来的效果好像在理发店焗油一样.发质可柔软了. 对了.还要说说梳子.我真的超级无敌喜欢这把The BRASHU DR SCALP按摩梳.可以说是我用了它梳头发以后.其它的梳子都梳不下去了.梳子炳是高亮烤漆工艺.握在手上很有质感.最最重要的梳起来真的很舒服.还有护发功效和去头皮屑哦. 建议洗发前梳一下.洗发期间.用这梳子代替手来进行按摩.特别是用护发素的时候.用梳子按摩.让其护发发挥最好的效果.很花时间.但是发质效果绝对满意. 洗发水 17 大概能用一个月吧.17➗30=0.6 护发素 17➗30=0.6 发膜 10 发膜用量比较多.按一周算➗7=1.43 梳子 100 梳子我已经用了N个月了.按照一天$1都觉得贵啦.哈哈哈. Total:3.63!