# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 a day challenge For breakfast, eat homemade burning fairy grass. Add a little milk or fruit, or the ready-made taro balls sold in the supermarket, add whatever ingredients you want to eat. Super satisfied. $3 For lunch, a baked cold noodles with eggs and ham sausage is also super authentic and convenient. $3 Mooncakes for afternoon tea, egg yolk lotus paste is my favorite, but Wu Ren is also good. Mooncakes are not low in calories but delicious! $5 Yogurt oatmeal for dinner if you don't want to cook Great for when the weather is hot and you don't want to cook $2 About $13 a day
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 一天$15挑战 早餐吃自制烧仙草。加一点牛奶或者水果,或者超市卖的现成的芋圆 自己想吃什么加什么料。超级满足。$3 午餐来一份烤冷面 加个鸡蛋和火腿肠什么的 也是超级正宗又方便。$3 下午茶来点月饼,蛋黄莲蓉是最爱 但伍仁也不错。一个月饼的热量不低 但是很好吃!$5 晚餐不想做饭就吃酸奶燕麦 很适合天气热的时候不想做饭 $2 一天大概$13