# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 one day challenge Eat yogurt + cereal for breakfast. Buy Greek yogurt unsweetened. The oatmeal is filled with Wang's full taro flavor. Super mini pack, it's good to buy it and try it $2 Mixed noodles for lunch. This dough is very good to cook for a minute. The taste is a bit heavy, but it's delicious $3 Rice porridge with side dishes is especially delicious for dinner. I have eaten several bottles of it. Perfect with porridge or noodles $3 about 8 a day
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# 挑战$100过一周 # $15一天挑战 早餐吃 酸奶+麦片。酸奶买希腊优格 不加糖的。麦片放的是王饱饱的芋头味的。超级迷你的一小包 买了尝尝也不错 $2 午餐吃拌面皮。这个面皮很好煮 一分钟就够了。味道有点偏重口的 但是也挺好吃的 $3 晚餐吃大米粥配小菜 特别好吃烧椒酱 已经吃完好几瓶了。搭配粥或者面条都完美$3 一天大概8刀