# 挑战$100过一周 # Breakfast: I steamed two glutinous corns for breakfast today. The corn is sweet and glutinous. I can eat two at a time. It is very chewy. I like this kind of glutinous corn very much. It is nutritious and delicious! $2.79 Lunch: A pack of juicy large wide noodles, the noodles are smooth and chewy, and the soup is fragrant. It is a great convenient food. I have repurchased it countless times! Plus some vegetables and meat, 🈴️ total: 6.49 Dinner: Shredded seaweed bibimbap $1.50, chopped seaweed is very crispy, very good for bibimbap! Two packs of konjac cool $0.50, this konjac cool is spicy and refreshing. A bottle of smooth and delicious soy milk with fragrant bean flavor is $0.48, and the total dinner cost is $2.48 In the evening, I used a Japanese-made anti-hair loss essence for $0.6. This essence is cool and cool when applied to the scalp, very comfortable, and has the effect of oil control! A day total cost $12.36
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 早餐:今天蒸了两个糯玉米做早餐,玉米香甜软糯,一次能吃上两个,很有嚼劲,很喜欢这种糯嗞嗞的玉米,营养健康又好吃😋!$2.79 午餐:一包流汁大宽粉,粉条香滑Q弹有嚼劲,汤汁香浓,很棒的一款方便美食,已经回购无数次了!另外加了一些蔬菜和肉,🈴️计:6.49 晚餐:海苔碎拌饭$1.50,海苔碎很香脆,用来拌饭非常赞!两包魔芋爽$0.50,这款魔芋爽香辣爽口,让人一吃就上头,用来下饭或者配馒头,简直是绝配!一瓶香滑可口,有香浓豆味的豆浆$0.48,合计晚餐花了$2.48 晚上用了日本产的防脱发精华液$0.6,这款精华液涂在头皮上清清凉凉的,很舒服,还有控油的功效! 一天合计花了$12.36