# 挑战$100过一周 # The instant noodles I ate in the morning added a little leftover from yesterday, and the roast beef cost two yuan Fried wowatou for lunch, it's really a bit jarring to eat wowatou directly, break the small pieces and fry it, it's very good, the cost is two yuan The beef pie made with the electric baking pan at night. I bought the electric pan for a year. I use it at least once a week. The total is less than 15, the challenge is successful
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 早上吃的方便面 加了一点昨天剩下 土豆烧牛肉 花费两元 中午吃的 炒窝窝头 窝窝头直接吃确实有点扎嘴 掰小块 炒一下 很不错哦 成本两块钱 晚上用电饼铛 做的牛肉馅饼 电饼铛买了一年 每周至少用一次 面食星人 爱了爱了 花费五元 总共低于15哦 挑战成功