# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 challenge one day tenth day Didn't get up in the morning, so went straight to brunch. Made with chicken broccoli 🥦 and mushrooms. Put half a bag of S&B's yakitori seasoning. I only used half a bag since I didn't cook a lot by myself. A little taste will do. It's not easy to cook alone. There is a lot left over to eat tomorrow. Total: $9 I had nothing to do in the afternoon. I drank a glass of apple juice and ate two bags of ground crockpot rice. This crockpot rice was really delicious, but it was too oily and I felt a little guilty. Also ate half a bag of Master Kong's chive pancakes, but I think I prefer the black pepper flavored ones. Finally, I ate another bag of Xiangmantian lotus root. Total $2. Because I ate a lot of snacks in the afternoon. So I just lie down at night and don't eat. lose weight Total: $11.
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# 挑战$100过一周 # $15挑战过一天第十天 早上没起来,所以直接吃了早午饭。做的是鸡肉西兰花🥦和香菇。放了半袋S&B的烤鸡串调料。因为我一个人吃饭没做很多,所以只用了半袋。有点味道就可以了。一个人的饭不好做呀。剩了很多明天继续吃。合计:$9 下午无事,喝了一杯苹果汁,吃了两袋地锅锅巴,这个锅巴是真好吃就是太油了,有点罪恶感啊。还吃了半袋康师傅的香葱饼,但我感觉我更喜欢黑胡椒味的。最后又吃了一袋湘满天的莲藕。合计$2。 因为下午吃了很多零食。所以晚上索性平躺,不吃了。减肥 总计:$11。