# 挑战$100过一周 # The ravioli that I ate in the morning cost two yuan Fried beef with spring onion ➕ rice for lunch costs 2 yuan In the evening, I made a few baiji buns with the electric baking pan, and it was not very interesting to match with the gourmet beef noodles, so I added a plate of cold beef, which cost ten yuan. A total of less than 15 challenge successes
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 早上 吃的自己包的馄饨 成本两块钱 中午吃的 葱爆牛肉 ➕米饭 成本两块钱 晚上用电饼铛做了几个白吉馍 搭配食族人私房牛肉面 不太够意思 于是补加一盘凉拌牛肉 成本十块钱 总共低于15 挑战成功