# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 challenge day eleven For brunch, the beef, fried onions, stir-fried vegetables and rice can not be served with some pickles, and the rice is the best meal. This assortment is the best, and it's very spicy! There will be stock in stock. recommend! Total: $8 I was hungry around three in the afternoon and ate a bag of instant noodles. Spicy Korean Ramen🍜! So delicious! Total: $1 In the evening, I still ate snacks, a pretzel moon cake from Daoxiang Village and two bags of dried tofu. Total: $1.5 Total $10.5
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# 挑战$100过一周 # $15挑战过一天第十一天 吃的早午餐,做的牛肉炒洋葱,炒菜和米饭怎么能不配点咸菜,饭扫光是最好吃的下饭菜。这个什锦最好吃,辣辣的非常下饭!有货一定会存货。推荐!合计:$8 下午三点左右饿了,吃了一袋方便面。辣辣的韩式拉面🍜!太美味啦!合计:$1 晚上依旧吃了零食,吃了一块稻香村的椒盐月饼和两袋豆干。合计:$1.5 总计$10.5