# 好物11道来 # This dried bean curd has shiitake mushrooms in it, which is not monotonous and makes the dried bean curd not so dry. I like this spicy flavor, it's not very spicy, but I like the scent of peppercorns. Friends who like hemp don't miss it. Basically, I have tried all dried tofu, and this one is relatively cost-effective.
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# 好物11道来 # 这款豆干里面有香菇粒,吃起来不单调,使豆干也不那么干。喜欢这款麻辣口味的,并不是很辣,但我喜欢花椒的香味。喜欢麻的朋友不要错过了。基本上所有豆干我都尝试过了,这款属于性价比比较高的。