# 好物11道来 #A packet of sweet potato fresh flour contains 200 grams, boil it in boiling water and take it out, mix it with your favorite sauce, and serve it with shredded purple cucumber and radish, and you can eat it, very convenient A sweet potato fresh flour, the rice flour is soft and glutinous, Q elastic, very tough and chewy, a good sweet potato fresh flour!
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# 好物11道来 #一包红薯鲜粉有200克,放沸水里煮开就捞出来,拌上自己喜欢的酱料,配上一紫青瓜丝和罗卜丝,就可以开吃了,非常方便的一款红薯鲜粉,米粉软糯Q弹顺滑,很韧性和嚼劲,一款不错的红薯鲜粉!