# 好物11道来 #A box of 500 grams of red bean and barley flour, red bean has the effect of nourishing blood, and barley has the effect of removing dampness! Many of the foods we usually eat are heavy in moisture, such as: oranges, mangoes, pineapples, etc.! So if you want to get rid of wetness, you should eat some wet food occasionally, such as this red bean and barley flour is a good choice!
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# 好物11道来 #一盒有500克的红豆薏米粉,红豆有补血的功效,薏米有袪湿的功效!平常吃的食物很多都湿气比较重,例如:橘子,芒果、凤梨等!那么想袪湿就要偶尔吃些袪湿的食物,例如这款红豆薏米粉就是不错的选择!