# 好物11道来 # Almost every time I buy snacks, cakes and cakes account for a large part! This yeast purple taro bread is mainly because of the appearance and color matching of light purple. I like it when you look at it. The bread body is also soft and not choked. The cross section also has a light purple color, and there are some purple potato particles, a faint purple potato 🍠 flavor! Great with soy milk for breakfast!
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# 好物11道来 # 每次差不多都是买的零食,蛋糕饼类的占一大部分!这款酵母紫芋面包,主要在于颜值配色浅紫色看着就喜欢😘面包体也松软不噎横切面也带着浅浅的紫,还有些许紫薯颗粒,淡淡的紫薯🍠味!配着豆浆当早餐很棒啦!