# 好物11道来 # Make a drink with unique flavor of matcha barley green juice + comprehensive juice that suits you, and prepare it for me before breakfast. What kind of effect will a 100% pure green juice + 30% juice content drink produce? Because barley ruoye green juice has the functions of preventing sub-health, clearing the intestines and detoxifying, beautifying the face, improving constipation, etc., it has a good effect on abdominal fat accumulation and intestinal endotoxin accumulation. That's right, I can sum it up in one sentence: conditioning the body's functions, this is what I want. Practice, pour three-quarters of the drink (according to your own needs), tear the green juice powder in the small bag, put it into the cup, and stir well. After waiting for two minutes, the homemade comprehensive green juice drink appeared in front of you. The juice drink itself is orange in color. Because no extra water is added, the color of the prepared green juice is dark green. The taste, or the pineapple flavor, overshadowed the matcha flavor. It seems that the pineapple flavor is quite aggressive. Very refreshing, green juice + comprehensive juice, sweet with juice. That's what it tasted like. The aftertaste in the mouth is Hawaiian. It's really good, this kind of mix and match is very innovative, and the taste is still my favorite.
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# 好物11道来 # 做一款适合自己的抹茶大麦青汁+综合果汁独特风味的饮料,给我吃早餐前准备。 纯度100%的青汁+30%果汁含量的饮料,会产生什么样的效果? 因为大麦若叶青汁具有预防亚健康、清肠排毒、美容养颜、改善便秘等功效,对于腹部脂肪堆积、肠道内毒素堆积等都有很好的效果。 对得,归纳一句话:调理身体的机能,这是我想要的。 做法,倒入饮料4分之三(根据自己的需求),撕开小袋包的青汁粉,入杯,搅拌均匀。等上两分钟,自制综合青汁饮料便出现在眼前了。 果汁饮料本身是橘黄的色泽。 因为不加额外的水,调制出来的青汁颜色是偏墨绿。 味道,还是菠萝味把抹茶味盖过了。看来菠萝的味道很有攻击性。 很爽口,青汁+综合果汁,有果汁的清甜。原来是这样的味道。口中留存的余味是夏威夷风的味。 真不错,这样的混搭,特别新颖,味道还是自己喜欢的。