# 好物11道来 # I buy Japanese Suncrest white peach canned fruit on Yami. YAMI SUNCREST Canned Fruit White Peach Flavor 425g # Taste The taste of peaches is fresh and crisp, which is no different from fresh peaches. #Taste Sweet and delicious, watery and moist. #Preservation It has a long shelf life and still retains the flavor of the white peach itself. #Quantity 4 pieces of half peach flesh ~ together are two large white peaches. White and moist peach flesh without peach pits, wow drooling. #calorie Zero fat and low calorie, almost no calories. The fairies stuttered and had no burden. #Disadvantage 1 The sugar water in the can tastes too strong. #Disadvantage 2 The chemical function of antiseptic is used. I eat peach meat, no sugar water in cans. Biting into the white peach, the juice is still coming out, and there is nothing to say about the water. The peach meat is still crispy, and the vacuum technology is very good, and the texture of preservation is comparable to fresh. 0 fat and low calorie, long shelf life, can retain the fresh flavor of white peach, it really kills two birds with one stone, perfect!  Watery, sweet and delicious canned white peaches.
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# 好物11道来 # 我在 亚 米 上买日本Suncrest 白桃味水果罐头。 YAMI 亚米 SUNCREST 水果罐头 白桃口味 425g #口感 桃子口感是鲜脆,与新鲜桃子无异。 #口味 清甜可口,水水润润。 #保存 保存期长,还完好保留白桃本身的风味。 #数量 4瓣的半桃肉~合起来是两个大白桃。无桃核的白润的桃肉,哇流口水。 #热量 零脂低卡,几乎无热量。仙女们大口吃,无负担。 #缺点1 罐头里的糖水味道太重了。 #缺点2 用了防腐的化学功能。 我吃桃肉,不要罐头里的糖水。 咬着白桃,还出汁,水润没话说。桃肉还有脆感,这真空技术杠杠滴,保存的质感可媲美新鲜的。 0脂低卡,保存期长,能够保留白桃的新鲜风味,实在是一举两得,完美!  水水润润、清甜可口的白桃罐头。