# 好物11道来 # I can't find this tag, but this one is often out of stock, so it's not surprising that I can't find it. I can only add Bai's tag😔. [Produced by the next kitchen] Taste Lao Sour Soup Fat Beef Seasoning 100g. Give a big praise. The last time I ate good people's sour soup seasoning package was more than a year old, so the comparison may not be accurate. I personally feel that this one in the kitchen is more delicious and has a little more umami. But it's also more salty... The packaging says that a bag of 600ml of water will not work, you must put 1000ml of water! I also put a lot of meat... At first I put 750ml, it's really salty. After adding water, it was much better. Soup can be drunk straight away! Super delicious! I didn't get tired of eating four meals in a row. But because I put the [Hometown Flavored Millet Spicy Dried Chili] bought by Yami, this one is very spicy... As a result, this pot of mine is also super spicy, and I don't know whether the spiciness of this lower-kitchen seasoning package itself is better. The spiciness is still weak, but the spiciness is definitely there. I will repurchase this.
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# 好物11道来 # 没搜到这款的tag,不过这个经常缺货,搜不到也不奇怪。我只能加了白家的tag😔。【下厨房出品】口味捞 酸汤肥牛调味料 100g 。给个大大大好评。我上次吃好人家的酸汤调料包也有个1年多了,所以可能对比的不太准确。我个人感觉下厨房这款更好吃,多了一些鲜味儿。 不过也更咸...包装上说一袋子兑600ml水不行啊,一定要放个1000ml才行!我还放了不少肉...最开始放了750ml,真的咸。兑了水之后就好了非常多了。 汤可以直接喝!超好喝!我连着吃了四顿也没腻。不过因为我放了亚米买的【家乡味 小米辣 辣椒干】,这个特别辣...导致我这一锅也超级辣,我现在也不知道这个下厨房料包本身的辣度是比好人家辣还是弱,不过辣味肯定是有的。我会回购这款。