# 好物11道来 # Purely hand-made white oil sausage, without any pigments, the sausage meat is naturally rosy. Cut the white sausage into slices, you can see even lean meat. The preserved-flavored claypot rice made with Yuanchang white oil sausage will make people drool. Follow the steps of the net red sausage rice First wash the rice and put it in a pot with oil, salt, and a little water. When the rice is rolling over low heat, add sausage, tomato, and kidney beans to the dry rice Cover the pot and simmer When cooked, serve with soy sauce according to personal taste Cantonese-style claypot rice with all the colors and flavors is in front of you. I saw the oily aroma of the sausages indulging in the rice, and the hot meat smell came to my face. Fragrant~ Take a light bite, the meat is firm and tenacious, and the salty taste is not too heavy. The gravy is intertwined with a little wine aroma, which makes the foodie can only salivate. The weight is 13OZ, $8.29, compared to the price of Meizhou Dongpo Sausage 7.7OZ at $12, which is the ultimate cost-effective. Everything is expensive now, but this white oil sausage has been repurchased countless times in the past six months, but the price remains the same, which is very affordable. Looking at the thin and meaty Yuanchang white sausage, the Cantonese-style sausage that food lovers can't miss. # 我的囤货清单 # # 2022双节快乐 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 #
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# 好物11道来 # 纯手工灌制的白油肠,不添加任何色素,肠肉自然红润。 把白油肠切成片,看得见均匀的瘦肉。 用元昌白油肠做成的腊味煲仔饭,让干饭人直流口水。 按照网红腊肠饭的步骤 先洗净米放煲中加油、盐,加少许水。 当米饭滚滚转小火,饭干加腊肠、番茄、菜豆 盖上锅盖小火焖煮 熟后上桌依个人口味淋上酱油 色香味俱全的广式煲仔饭,摆在眼前。 只见腊肠的油香沉醉在米里,热腾腾的肉味扑面而来。 香~ 轻咬一口,紧实有韧劲的肉感,而咸味又不会过重,伴些许酒香将肉汁交织在一起,让吃货看着只能垂涎三尺的份。 重13OZ,$8.29,对比眉州东坡腊肠7.7OZ售价$12,划算到极致。现在什么都贵,但半年来这个白油肠是无数次回购,却价格不变,非常实惠。 看着瘦,也有肉的元昌白油肠,吃货们不可错过的广式腊肠。 # 我的囤货清单 # # 2022双节快乐 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 #