# 好物11道来 # Repurchase series: NATORI Japanese popular seafood snacks Salt-grilled scallop meat 40g. I have bought 2 times, the second time I ordered 3 bags... Now I regret it, I will buy another 5-10 bags after a while. It's really delicious! Very fresh scallop meat flavor! I feel that it is too difficult to buy seafood in the United States, but it is not as good as I am in China. There are seafood sellers downstairs when I go out in the morning... There are 4-5 large scallops in a bag, which is just right for me to eat every time. Just a few mouthfuls. highly recommended! (31)
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# 好物11道来 # 回购系列:NATORI 日本人气海味小食 盐烤扇贝肉 40g。我买了2次了,第二次下了3袋...现在好后悔,等我过一阵子再买个5-10袋。真的很好吃啊!很新鲜的那种扇贝肉味!我感觉在美国买海鲜太不容易了,可不如我在国内,早上出个门楼下就有卖海鲜的...一袋里有4-5块大扇贝肉,正好适合我这种每次吃不了几口的。强烈推荐!(31)