# 好物11道来 # Repurchase Series: Xizhilang CICI Ice Sugar Pear Fruit Jelly Drink 258ml. I remember being shocked when I first bought it. It's delicious too! ! ! Drinking now...Delicious, still delicious, but so sweet...Recently found that all the jelly CCs in the Kishiro series that I used to love have become sweeter...Is it me who has changed or Kishiro has changed ....it's no problem for DAI Bin, Americans are super sweet. For me, I can only drink 1/3 of it at a time, the kind that I drink slowly. I may not repurchase it again, if I buy it again, I will buy it for Dianbin. (33)
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# 好物11道来 # 回购系列:喜之郎 CICI 冰糖雪梨果粒爽果冻饮料 258ml。我记得第一次买的时候,惊为天人。这也太好喝了吧!!!现在喝着...好喝,还是很好喝,但是好甜啊....最近发现以前爱的喜之郎系列的所有果冻CC都变甜了...是我变了还是喜之郎变了....对呆斌来说还是没问题的,美国人超级能吃甜食的。对我来说,一次只能喝个1/3了,慢慢喝的那种。我可能不会回购了,如果再买也是买给呆斌喝。(33)