# 好物11道来 # These two are a bit similar, so let me talk about it together. The models in Figure 1 and Figure 4 are Bamboo Wheel... nothing special, just a pile of starch, not tasty. But to be fair, the Chikuwa I bought in Asia Supermarket and the Chikuwa I ate in Japan...seems like there is no delicious food...maybe it's my problem? I feel that Bamboo Wheel is like Chinese-style fish balls with a lot of starch.... The name in Figure 2 and Figure 3 is probably cheese or something. It looks very similar, but the taste is different. It tastes so much better when you fry it in the air fryer! recommend! (43)
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# 好物11道来 # 这两个有点像,我就一起说了吧。图1和图4的款,就是竹轮...没啥特别的,一堆淀粉,不好吃。不过讲道理,我在亚超买的竹轮,还有在日本吃到的竹轮...好像就没有好吃的...可能是我的问题?我感觉竹轮就像是中式的淀粉超多的鱼丸子....图2和图3那个名字大概是芝士什么的,长的很像,但是味道不同。空气炸锅炸一下味道会好很多很多很多!推荐!(43)