# 好物11道来 # People who love Spicy Stars like me, found a snack on Yami that I haven’t eaten before that I think is particularly delicious – Yumei Cold Eating King Oyster Mushrooms! I like spicy and mushrooms, and I am so happy. The spicy is authentic and authentic. The thick meat of the king oyster mushroom is very tender and tender. Although it is a snack, I think it is more than enough for a plate, and it is only three. Knives are not expensive! Highly recommended!
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# 好物11道来 # 爱辣星人如我,在亚米上发现了一款没吃过的,觉得特别好吃的零食——与美 冷吃杏鲍菇!又喜欢辣又喜欢菇类的我开心到爆,辣的正宗地道,杏鲍菇肉肉厚厚的口感却很嫩很筋道,虽然是零食,但是我觉得当盘菜都绰绰有余了,而且就三刀也不贵!强力推荐!