# 好物11道来 # 1⃣️2⃣️ Ito Garden is really my love (Looks like I've been repurchasing some of my favorite brands 😂 Especially like their sugar-free tea Refreshing and refreshing is the taste of the tea itself The concentration is well controlled, the tea taste is very strong, and it will not be thick and astringent This brown rice tea is made from brown rice and green tea. So there is both a hint of grain and a faint green tea fragrance. Chill it for better taste Prepare a big bottle when you eat hot pot A good helper It's super cool to have a cup.
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# 好物11道来 # 1⃣️2⃣️ 伊藤园真的是我的爱啊 (貌似我一直都在回购些我喜欢的牌子😂 尤其喜欢他家的无糖口味的茶 清清爽爽的 都是茶本身的味道 浓度控制的也好 茶味很浓 又不会浓的发涩 这款玄米茶是由玄米搭配绿茶煮至的 所以既有一丢丢谷物的香味 又有淡淡的绿茶清香 冰镇一下 口味更佳 吃火锅的时候准备上一大瓶 解辣去热 好帮手 一杯下去 超级爽啊