#好物11道来# It's a big piece, and I can't use it all at once. I usually cut it into pieces and use it in batches, and store the rest in sealed bags in the refrigerator. This hot pot base is hemp, spicy, fragrant and versatile. Not only can you eat hot pot, but also stir-fry and roast meat, you will definitely have a surprising taste
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# 好物11道来 # 很大一块,一次肯定用不完,我一般会切成块分期分批用,剩下的用密封袋装起来放冰箱储存。这个火锅底料又麻又辣又香还百搭,不光可以吃火锅,炒菜烧肉放一些,一定会吃出惊喜的味道