# 好物11道来 #洁田Mofantang is incomparably dripping This one has been highly recommended by everyone in various mother groups, and I finally bought it. It is used to smear after mosquito bites. There are no mosquitoes this season. I don’t know how effective it will be, but this product has a shelf life of 2026, so you can rest assured. And the price of Yami is much cheaper than that of many Japanese brands. The design is very detailed. The mouth of the applicator is a sponge, which is soft and waxy, and can better control the dosage. The taste is very cool, and it should be very comfortable.
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# 好物11道来 #池田模范堂无比滴 这个在各种妈妈群里被大家狂推的无比滴,终于买到手了。 用于蚊虫叮咬后涂抹,这个季节没蚊子了,不知道效果如何,不过这款保质期到2026年,可以放心囤。而且亚米价格比很多日代便宜多了。 设计的很细节,涂抹口是海绵,软糯糯的,也能更好控制用量,味道有很清凉,应该会很舒适。