#好物11道来# This kind of corn paste is easy to eat and tastes good. What's rare is that the baby likes to drink it very much. The method is super simple. After pouring the corn paste powder into a bowl, first add a small amount of low-temperature water to mix well, then add boiling water and keep stirring. No time-consuming, no effort. The brewed corn paste tastes slightly sweet and has a light corn aroma, which is quite good.
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# 好物11道来 # 这款玉米糊食用方便味道好,难得的是娃很爱喝。做法超简单,把玉米糊粉倒入碗中后,先加入少量低温水和匀,然后加入沸水不断搅拌即可。不费时,不费力。沏好的玉米糊味微甜,有淡淡的玉米香,挺不错的。