# 好物11道来 # [Production in the next kitchen] Taste Fishing Chongqing Pea Noodles 290g. is delicious. There is a non-spicy version of Wujiang mustard in a mini bag, as well as cooked peas and meat sauce buns. The spicy buns with chili oil are not too spicy, and the aroma is very effective. It really tastes like the bolognese noodles made in the store. It was served with vermicelli, and I doubled the amount of Jinmai spicy hand-made wide ramen. I also added some chicory, shredded carrots, and fat beef soaked in the leftover snail powder soup from the previous day. The peas and minced meat sauce go very well together, and the pickled mustard also goes very well together. It's really a good combination. The only problem is, it's really salty. I added vegetables and twice as much noodles, and it was salty when mixed together, and it was even saltier after eating. I can't imagine how salty it would be if I didn't add noodles. [In addition, this item is out of stock, I can't add the original product tag, I can only add it to Midea] (46)
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# 好物11道来 # 【下厨房出品】口味捞 重庆豌杂面 290g。是好吃的。里面有个mini袋子的不辣版乌江榨菜,还有煮好的豌豆粒和肉酱包,辣椒油的辣包也不怎么辣,提香效果很好。吃着真的很像店里做的那种肉酱面。配的是挂面,我自己又加了一倍的今麦辣手打宽拉面,还放了些苦苣、胡萝卜丝、和前一天吃剩的螺蛳粉汤汁泡的肥牛。 豌豆和肉沫酱非常搭,榨菜也超级搭,真的是很好的组合。唯一的问题是,真的挺咸的。我加了蔬菜和多1倍的面条,混合在一起吃着都是咸口的,吃到底儿就更咸了。不敢想象如果我没加面条会是怎么个咸度。【另外,这个缺货了,我加不上原商品tag,只能加与美的了】(46)