# 好物11道来 # Japan S&B Super Difficult to Reserve Famous Store Series Ginza LA BETTOLA Pasta Sauce Cuttlefish Ink 146g. The liquid is very pure black, not very salty, a bit like paella, but with the spiciness removed. Seafood pasta is solid. To make seafood pasta by yourself, you need to buy some fresh seafood, but it is not easy to buy in inland areas. At this time, I feel that the sauce is good. Its umami flavor is preserved quite well. I wouldn't repurchase, but I recommend it. (59)
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# 好物11道来 # 日本 S&B 超难预约名店系列 银座LA BETTOLA 意大利面酱 墨鱼汁 146g。液体是非常纯粹的黑色,也不是很咸,有点像是西班牙海鲜饭的味儿,不过是去掉辣味儿版本的。海鲜意面实锤。自己做海鲜意面就需要买一些比较新鲜的海鲜了,可是内陆地区不好买。这个时候就感觉出来这个酱的好了。他的鲜味儿保存的还挺好的。虽然不会回购,但是也算是推荐。(59)