#好物11道来# Xindongyang Sliced Noodles has 7 independent noodles inside. For girls who don’t eat much, one piece of noodles is enough, which is very convenient. The finished product in Figure 3 is out of the pan. The springy noodles are accompanied by the delicious and sour pickled fish. It is a perfect match. This noodle is not bad after cooking for a long time, it is very soft but still strong, very chewy, it is worth repurchasing.
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# 好物11道来 # 新东阳刀削面,里面有独立的7块面饼,对于饭量不大的女生一次一块面饼就够了,很方便。 图三成品出锅,弹牙的面条伴着鲜香酸爽的酸菜鱼,绝配。 这款面条久煮不烂,很软但不失劲道,非常有嚼头,值得回购。