#好物11道来# I have used several packs of kernel and mugwort mites, I like it very much! Wormwood is a traditional Chinese plant that repels insects and detoxifies. The plant is fragrant and non-toxic and harmless. This Renhe Wormwood Mite Removal Pack is made of natural Chinese herbal medicine. Although the taste of Chinese medicine cannot kill mites, it can effectively drive away mites. Using the principle of traditional Chinese medicine to kill, the effect is better than the driving away method and the lure method! And it has a plant fragrance that can purify the air, and the effect of anti-mite and mite-removing is so remarkable. It is very useful to put in the bedding wardrobe, and it can be soaked for bathing and washing clothes. It is really multi-purpose! Mites are a serious health hazard! Yami's kernel and mugwort mite removal pack is very cheap, really quite economical! Super cost-effective!
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# 好物11道来 # 已经用过好几包仁和艾草除螨包啦,很喜欢!艾草是中国传统驱虫祛毒的植物,植物清香扑鼻无毒无害,这个仁和艾草除螨包是用天然中草药做成的,中药味道虽然不能杀死螨虫,但是可以有效驱离螨虫,采用中药灭杀原理,比驱离法和引诱法效果更好!并且它有植物清香可以净化空气,防螨去螨的效果又这么显著,放在床品衣柜里很好用,又能浸泡用于沐浴和清洗衣物,真的一物多用!螨虫可是危害身体健康的大患!亚米的这个仁和艾草除螨包很便宜,真的相当经济实惠了!性价比超高!