#好物11道来# Kuaishou housewives found that Yami has a lot of affordable cooking seasonings, the kind that can turn a kitchen rookie into a restaurant chef! This good man’s mapo tofu seasoning is quite good. The price is only a little more than $1, but the taste is quite good. It is equivalent to condensing all kinds of seasonings that you need to make yourself into a package. Simply fry the tofu and put it in this After the seasoning is boiled and some vegetables are added, it is a very good mapo tofu, which is very delicious with rice!
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# 好物11道来 # 快手主妇发现亚米有很多经济实惠的烹饪调料,可以让厨房小白都能化身饭店大厨的那种!这个好人家麻婆豆腐调料就挺不错的,价格只有1刀多,但是味道相当好,相当于把你需要自己配的各种调料浓缩成了一包,只要简单的煎一下豆腐,放入这个调料煮一煮再加点蔬菜就是非常棒的麻婆豆腐,非常好吃下饭!