#好物11道来# I like to eat glutinous snacks. I saw that Yami sells Chunguang Coconut Glutinous Cake. It is said to be a Hainan specialty. I must try it. This coconut glutinous cake is made of coconut milk and shredded coconut. It is white and white. It is tempting to look at it, the surface is covered with a layer of fragrant coconut, it is tough, waxy and smooth when you bite it, delicious!
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# 好物11道来 # 爱吃糯糯唧唧的小零食的我,看到亚米有卖春光椰糯糕,说是海南特产,那肯定要尝尝呀,这个椰糯糕是用椰子浆和椰蓉做配料,粉白粉白的看着就让人动心,表面裹着一层香喷喷的椰蓉,一口咬下去又韧又糯又滑爽,好吃!