#好物11道来 #1️⃣8️⃣ Yuha Cola Flavored Gummy Candy! Every time I eat this brand of fudge, I feel like eating grapes hahaha, I like to eat the skin first and then eat the "pulp" inside! Cola is full of flavor, very satisfying! Recommend everyone to buy and eat! Definitely a childhood memory!
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# 好物11道来 #1️⃣8️⃣ 悠哈可乐味软糖!这个牌子的软糖我每次吃都觉得像在吃葡萄哈哈哈,喜欢先吃皮在吃里面的“果肉”!可乐味十足,非常解馋!推荐大家买来吃吃!绝对童年的回忆!