# 好物11道来 #This egg butter cake comes from Vietnam 🇻🇳 specialty, I also forgot why I bought it. I probably bought it when I searched for biscuits in Yami for a while. There are many small packets in a box, and there are two biscuits in each packet. Hard and crunchy, the eggs are full of buttery flavor, and it tastes delicious. It's great to eat a few pieces in your leisure time.
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# 好物11道来 #这款鸡蛋黄油饼来自于越南🇻🇳特产,我也忘记为什么买它了。应该是有一段时间我在亚米搜饼干的时候买的吧,一盒里面有很多小包,每包里有两块饼。硬硬的脆脆的,鸡蛋黄油味十足,吃起来很香,休闲时刻吃几块太赞了。