# 好物11道来 #I have eaten many brands of bell rolls and finally gave up. I still think that the brand of Asian Choice is the best, and I have repurchased it countless times. There is no unpleasant taste, I really recommend it. I have introduced it to many friends who say it is delicious. I usually add it to hot pot, sometimes put it on noodles, just brush it a few times and eat it, it is also delicious when added to noodles! Awesome~~
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# 好物11道来 #吃过很多牌子的响铃卷最后都放弃了,还是觉得Asian Choice这个牌子的最好吃,已经回购无数次了。没有难闻难吃的味道,真心推荐。介绍给身边很多朋友都说好吃。我通常是加在火锅里,有时候会放在面条上,随便刷几下就可以吃了,加在面条里也很好吃哦!棒棒哒~~