# 好物11道来 #Jinmailang Stewed Chicken Noodles with Mushrooms is priced at $5.99 in Yami, a total of 5 packs. The price is also considered cheap, at least a little cheaper than the supermarkets outside, and it is even more cost-effective if it encounters a price reduction. Sometimes it will appear in the flash sale, which is equivalent to picking it up for nothing. I have always bought Master Kang’s stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms. I haven’t tried Jinmailang’s. I’m looking forward to the taste.
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# 好物11道来 #今麦郎香菇炖鸡面在亚米售价为$5.99,一共5连包。价格也算便宜吧,起码比外面超市便宜一丢丢,遇上减价的话更是划算了,有时候会出现在秒杀里就是等于白捡了。之前一直都是买康师傅香菇炖鸡面,今麦郎的还没试过呢,很期待味道呀。