#好物11道来# Zanzakiya pulp jelly👍 Since I was a child, I have always loved eating jelly, especially those pulp jelly! I also know it's unhealthy, but I really can't resist their temptation. And the pulp jelly is much better than canned food. When I was a child, my mother would buy a lot of them for me to eat every Chinese New Year and holidays. It was really not too happy! Having been abroad for so many years, besides homesickness during Chinese New Year, Xizhilang’s fruit jelly is among the gourmet snacks that I miss. Do you have any good childhood memories? I haven't bought pulp jelly before, and the others barely satisfy my cravings, but after pregnancy, I can't bear it anymore. Fortunately, I found this Japanese Sanukiya's pulp jelly on Yami. Whisper it 🤫It is better than Xizhilang's!
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# 好物11道来 # 赞崎屋果肉果冻👍 从小到大都特别爱吃果冻,尤其是那些果肉果冻! 我也知道不健康,但是真的抵挡不住他们的诱惑。 而且果肉果冻,比罐头吃着爽多了。 小时候每当过年过节老妈都会买好多回来给我吃,简直不要太快乐! 出国这么多年,每到过年的时候除了想家外,心心念念的美食零嘴中就有喜之郎的果肉果冻,童年的美好回忆有没有? 以前没买到过果肉果冻,其他的勉强解个馋,但是怀孕后就越来越忍不了了,还好在亚米上发现了这个日本赞岐屋的果肉果冻的。悄悄说一句🤫比喜之郎的好吃!