#好物11道来# Master Kong Plum Green Tea. I haven't drank it in China before, but I saw other people buy it and follow the order! When I opened it, I felt like I had taken a sip of sugar water. I looked at the ingredient list, and the good guy added 52g of sugar. The little friend said that adding a lot of ice cubes or making tea jelly tastes good, think about another big box. There are still 6 bottles and I am a little bit full. 🤦‍♀️
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# 好物11道来 # 康师傅青梅绿茶。以前在国内没喝过,看别人买跟了个单! 打开一口下去感觉我是喝了一口糖水,配料表瞅了一下,好家伙加了52g糖。 小伙伴说加大量冰块或者做成茶冻味道很好,想想另外一大箱。还有6瓶我就有点方了。🤦‍♀️