# 好物11道来 #徐福记 In addition to delicious candy🍬, there are all kinds of delicious snack biscuits! I bought this egg-flavored Shaqima, which is really delicious. It is Wang Jiaer's endorsement + recommendation! Not too sweet and greasy, I want to eat another piece after eating. Even my girlfriend asked me to buy a few more packs for her. Yamibuy is on sale now! Buy it now!
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# 好物11道来 #徐福记除了有好吃的糖果🍬好有各式各样好吃的零食饼干哦!我买了这款鸡蛋味的沙琪玛真的好吃爆了,是王嘉尔代言+推荐的哦!不会过于甜腻,吃完还想再吃一块。连我闺蜜都叫我再给她多买几包呢。现在亚米减价快买呀!