# 好物11道来 #I recently found that I gained a few pounds and wanted to cry without tears, and then I searched Yami and found barley, and I am going to drink barley water for myself to lose weight. The price of Double Eleven is a good deal. Barley can detoxify, whiten and remove edema. I usually add lemon 🍋 honey to the barley water to make the detoxification effect more obvious. A pack here is super big, you can eat it for a while.
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# 好物11道来 #最近发现自己胖了几磅欲哭无泪,然后在亚米搜了一遍找到了薏米,准备给自己减肥喝薏米水了。双十一的价格好划算。薏米可排毒、美白、去水肿。我通常会在薏米水加入柠檬🍋蜜糖,令排毒功效更显著。这里一包超级大,可以吃上一段时间了。