#好物11道来# The fast and nutritious Wugumofang black bean powder, I want to buy a bucket of it every once in a while to satisfy my cravings. I originally thought that drinking more can make my hair grow longer, but it seems to have no effect at all. Anyway, it’s delicious. Breakfast If you don't have enough time, just make a hot water, a must for lazy people
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# 好物11道来 # 快捷营养的五谷磨房黑豆粉,隔一段时间就会想买一桶来解解馋,本来是想着多喝能长长头发的,不过好像完全没有这方面效用,反正挺好喝的吧,早饭时间不够冲个热水就好了,懒人必备