#黑色星期唔呼!# 2⃣️ It was a small snack that I bought together, but I didn't expect anything at all. However, I would like to say that this is my favorite little snack I've ever bought (except for buybacks) A small packet of humble plum slices Each piece is thin and small but just enough to fit in your mouth The first thing you feel in the mouth is the sour taste of plums Then there is a little bit of salt, which neutralizes the acid very well just a little bit of sweetness Mouth full of sour fruity aroma of plums It's cold now, move less I don't know if there is anyone like me who accumulates food after eating Come and have a slice of this plum Really greasy and appetizing, not as sweet as hawthorn slices really fruity By the way, Amway is for mothers who are prone to nausea or have morning sickness problems It really can improve a lot
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# 黑色星期唔呼! # 2⃣️ 本来是凑单买的小零食 完全没报什么希望 然而 我想说 这是我最近买过最喜欢的小零食 (回购的除外) 一小包不起眼的梅子片 每一片都是薄薄的小小的 但就刚刚好可以含在嘴里 入口最先感受到的是梅子的酸味 然后是一丢丢的咸 很好的中和了酸 甜味只是很少的一点 满嘴都是梅子的酸酸的果香 现在天冷了 动的少 不知道有没有跟我一样 吃点就积食的 来上一片这个梅子片 真的解腻又开胃 没有山楂片那么甜 真的果香满满 顺便安利给容易反胃或是有孕吐问题的妈妈们 真的含着能改善很多哟