Because I saw 月饼 pushed by the younger brother, I took a fancy to this Rolls-Royce called 月饼, thank you friends for satisfying me😄. For the evaluation of this 月饼 very plain, no legendary so Cock, eight mini 月饼 sell $ 100, the price is expensive outrageous, a 月饼 two eating two really are not eating more than one! This custard 月饼 gives me the taste of Hong Kong pastry, the fragrant custard taste, the texture of the cake skin is very glutinous and powdery, it does not taste like the traditional 月饼 There is no cheap essence and creamer left on it, which is why it is expensive!
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因为看到小二哥推的月饼,一眼看中了这款号称 月饼界的劳斯莱斯,谢谢好友满足了我😄。 对于这款月饼的评价很平淡,没有传说中的那么屌,8个迷你月饼卖$100,价格也贵的不像话,一块月饼两口吃完 真的是两口吃完 多一口都没有! 这款奶黄月饼给我的感觉很香港糕点的味道,香香的奶黄味,饼皮的口感很糯很粉,吃起来不像传统月饼,吃的出来真材实料,食后的舌苔上没有残留下那种廉价的香精跟奶精味,这就是它贵的理由!