#圣诞节氛围感# I have always liked Bourbon's snacks, and I have bought a lot of them at YAMI in the past few months. Recently, I saw a strawberry-flavored sandwich chocolate, so I bought it and tried it! The strawberry flavor is really strong, and when the seal is torn off, a strong strawberry fragrance hits the nostrils. The chocolate block that I saw when I opened the wrapping paper was as exquisite as ever, with the words of Bourbon printed on the surface, and the middle was a strawberry flavored sandwich, which was a bit hard, and it took a while to cut it open. Both strawberry and chocolate have a strong flavor, and the taste is a bit sweet, but not too sweet. After eating one, I want to have another one!
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# 圣诞节氛围感 # 一直都特別喜歡 Bourbon 的零食,這幾個月以來在 YAMI 亚米 也買過了不少,最近看到一款草莓味的夾心巧克力,於是買來試試! 這草莓味真的是很濃,一撕開封條就是一陣濃濃的草莓香撲鼻而來。打開包裝紙看到的巧克力塊是波路夢一如既往的精緻,表面印著波路夢的字樣,而中間是草莓口味夾心,有點硬,費了一會勁才切開的。草莓和巧克力的味道都很濃厚,吃起來口感有點甜,但又不會很甜膩的那種,吃完一顆還想再來一顆!