#圣诞节氛围感# The tenth generation of ACH eye cream. I used the ninth generation before and found it to be quite easy to use, so I bought the tenth generation and haven't started using it yet. But the price is so affordable that I couldn't resist buying it. I think it is very suitable for people who don't have big requirements. It is more moisturizing and removes dark circles.
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# 圣诞节氛围感 # ACH眼霜第十代。之前用过第九代感觉蛮好用的,所以买了这个第十代,还没开始用。但是这个价钱,的确好实惠就没忍住剁手了。我觉得对于没有大要求的人来说还是很合适的,比较保湿,去黑眼圈啥的。