#再见2022# Taiwan Baodao jerky, this is the most famous brand of meat floss. This is my favorite meat floss. Sometimes for breakfast, I spread mayonnaise on the bread, spread it with meat floss, heat it in the microwave for a while, and a simple version of the meat floss shellfish is done! Served with milk must!
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# 再见2022 # 台湾宝岛肉脯,这个是最有名的肉松牌子了吧。这个是我最喜欢的肉松。有的时候早餐自己就在面包上涂上蛋黄酱,再铺满肉松,微波炉里加热一小下,一个简易版的肉松小贝就搞定啦!配上牛奶绝绝子!