#再见2022# Master Kong's assorted barbecue delicious crisp. Master Kong's delicious crisps have three flavors, assorted barbecue, chives and black pepper. I think chives are similar to this mixed barbecue, a little sweet. Black pepper is a salty biscuit. I personally prefer the taste of black pepper. But this one with chives and chives is also good.
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# 再见2022 # 康师傅什锦烧烤美味酥。康师傅的美味酥有三种味道,什锦烧烤,香葱和黑胡椒的。我觉得香葱和这个什锦烧烤的味差不多,有点甜甜的。黑胡椒的是咸口的饼干。我个人比较喜欢黑胡椒的味道。但这个什锦和香葱的也不错。