#再见2022# I really like 💕JM solution's mask, especially this golden silk mask, which is the one with the most mask essence among the many JM masks. The brushed mask liquid is particularly moisturizing, very comfortable on the face, and feels particularly good after application. The face is moist and soft. I really like the feeling that the face is moisturized. The skin condition is still very good the next day. It is a very good mask. I like it.
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# 再见2022 # 太喜欢💕JM solution家的面膜了,尤其是这款金蚕丝面膜,是众多的J M面膜中最多面膜精华液的一款,拉丝的面膜液特别滋润,上脸特别舒服,敷后感特别好,脸蛋水水润润,软软绵绵的,特喜欢脸蛋被滋润的感觉第二天皮肤状态还是很好,很好的面膜,点赞。